
This chapter gives the user information about the privacy aspects of the DashT overlay plug-in for the popular OpenCPN chart plotter. The objective is to allow the end user to have a clear view what information is potentially collected and stored (or communicated) when DashT overlay plug-in is used.

Privacy policy

DashT does not collect data about you or about your boat. Period.

Please report if you find a breach to this security policy or other privacy concern.


DashT is aware - via OpenCPN of your boat’s position. This data is stored only if one uses InfluxDB Out streamer. The data is stored either in a file on your computer or directly on an InfluxDB v2 server of your choice. The server can be anywhere in the network and the control of it is out of scope of DashT. You can opt out to store your position - or any other boat’s data parameter by modifying a configuration file.

Personal information

No information related to your account is collected. We could not care less who you are and how often you wash your shirts.

Local storage (plug-in)

All parameters and settings are stored in a local file in clear text format, as desribed in Tweaks.

Local storage (browser)

In browser-based applications and instruments, a priority is given to the Local Storage of the browser platform. This storage is accessible only locally, as the name implies. The data stored is defined and strictly limited to the DashT configuration parameters.

Cookies (browser)

Cookies are accessible from a remote server and locally. In DashT they are not used. There is only one exception to this - if you are using a Windows system which has not been updated in 2020 or later and you use file:// protocol, cookies will be used to store DashT configuration parameters - nothing else. Please update your system, use http:// protocol and Local storage will be used.

NOTE: If you use third party web applications outside of OpenCPN and DashT, such as InfluxDB v2 or Grafana to visualize the data you have collected with InfluxDB Out streamer they will use cookies to store your connection and other parameters. However they are out of the scope for DashT privacy policy.

Calling back home

DashT as an application does not attempt to call back home.

Instrument Line Chart contains two third-party open source libraries which announce that they want to call back home if they are used in a web application. They provide both an opt-out for this, which is done by DashT for both of them.

NOTE 1: Albeit all code is open source in the libraries used, it is impossible to guarantee that there is no code in any library which would not, potentially call back home. This has known to happen in the past but usually these guys are detected quickly, reported to the community, removed, shamed and banned forever. We trust the announcement made by those who, potentially want a call back.

NOTE 2: If you use third party web applications outside of OpenCPN and DashT, such as InfluxDB v2 or Grafana to visualize the data you have collected with InfluxDB Out streamer they are likely to call back home. If you use the helper method suggested by DashT, explained in InfluxDB/Docker container creation, it sets --reporting-disabled command line parameter for InfluxDB v2 server it creates. There is no such option for Grafana.